Tuesday, December 16, 2008

A few things that have happened lately.

Our cat situation is getting better. It took about 9 days, but the kids are adjusting nicely. Avery and Jack are far from being friends with Monkey, but at least the screams have gone to a minimal.
We got some snow here on Monday. Nothing stuck to the ground, but it was still fun to talk to the little ones about snow and experience it through their eyes. 
Since it only snows a few times a year in the High Desert, people have no idea how to react. The freeway was closed down because of the weather, which caused much congestion on the freeway. It was like every semi was congregating right by the freeway on-ramps in hopes that any minute the highway patrol officer would allow them to get by.  The semi party was super annoying and caused me to be in traffic for over an hour on my way to Mason's school. Needless to say, I didn't pick him up on time and once again looked like the slacker-mom who forgot her kid (yes, it has happened more then once.) 
Today we were doing our million errands that the holidays bring. I always seem to think I'm getting stuff done early, but for some reason things still are on the list a week prior to Christmas. We were at Target today, partly to kill time before getting Mason, but also to cross things off our list. We had about an hour to shop and with a 3 year old and 2 year old that could seem like an eternity, depending on their moods. Jack is approaching the ever-famous 2.5 year old stage which is horrendous. He is moody, screams a lot and has an opinion about everything (which seems to always be the opposite opinion that I have). Of course he had to pee when we were across the store and when I told him "one more minute," he screamed that he was going to go in his pants. We took off running. I was pushing a full cart with Avery inside and Jack was running along side the cart moving his little legs very fast. We were about 25 feet from the bathroom when he slipped and fell flat on his face. The screams were so loud that every worker in a 30 foot radius came running. I picked him up and kept running, nodding to all the nice workers that he was fine. Between screams, Jack begins yelling, "My penis hurts!" I try with no avail to press his head into my neck to muffle the noise coming from his mouth. I cringe as I see the snickers coming from the people around me. Just for the record, his penis was fine and he stopped yelling the minute we were behind closed doors and to top it off, he did not pee! 


Jeana Hurst said...

The funny thing about your blog is that I totally think I could see this happening! Sounds like a rough day today....man oh man on the traffic to the school...that would be annoying!

Jo Jo said...

I just laughed out loud at my computer reading your post! I love it. That is the most awesome Target story ever!