Friday, November 14, 2008

White Christmas.... or at least a white living room!

So here we go again... just when you thought all was safe and you have made it through the early toddler stage where you can be a bit more laid back and you don't have to watch every move your child makes, they surprise you. 
I was getting ready for the day, checking work emails and getting ready to get dressed, when I hear lots of laughter coming from the living room. Silly me. I was under the impression that laughter when two kids are involved means happy play and no fights to break up, so I have more minutes to get ready. NOPE.
I round the corner of my bedroom where I get a full view of my living room. What was once a larger purple rug and leather furniture had turned into a "snow" filled room. Jackson had the baby powder (which was left out by Allen.. enough said on that note) and was throwing the baby powder all around the room. While his lovely big sister was next to him with her magic wand exclaiming with glee "Abracadabra let there be snow!" Since Jackson must have thought he was her fairy godmother, he granted her wish.... ALL OVER THE LIVING ROOM!
To be truthfully honest I had to hide my laughter cause it was a very cute sight to see. After all they were being imaginative. It was just a mental note to not let my guard down - they seem to always get into something! 


MAJGrammie said...

What a sweet are such a good mom to handle it so calmly and look on the bright side and of course not blame Allen tooooo much! love ya!

Sarah said...

That's really funny!! Please tell me you took a picture!? And please post it, if you did!!

Jo Jo said...

I am with you Sarah T. Please tell me you took a picture. Please, please, please! I want to see those cute little kids making snow!